What you need to know about health

This web site was going to be about IBS and all the standard things that people suggest that might help.

Not any more.

Something completely different is really much more important.

If you think about it carefully, all illness that’s not directly from physical trauma is caused by increasing states of physical and mental confusion and feelings of instability, especially after sequences of catastrophe or transient illness that leaves lingering difficulties.

These confused states of “being” often come from the undermining of confidence and certainty in yourself, in your belief systems, in your family life, in your job, in your sense of identity, in your environment, in your ability to cope, to think clearly, to predict your likely future troubles, and your body’s own behavior.

Confusion is a state of uncertainty about information that is not just a mental thing but full whole body state which involves all your organs, your digestive system, your autonomic nervous system, and your mind. But especially involves your immune system.

In a state of confusion all organisms are vulnerable to any influences from outside in form of information, and that includes from everything, because nothing exists that isn’t information: Viruses, bacteria, toxins, rogue DNA, allergenic proteins – these are all environmental information structures that surround us, and most are not here to help – and both bad advice from the internet and negative comments from others are equally degrading information. If you’re feeling chronically sick you’re grasping for answers and nobody but you really has your best interest in mind.

Information is more powerful than splitting the atom. People’s lives hang on a yes/no answer on a regular basis. Millions can die in wars that originate in disagreement or misunderstanding between two people.

In a vulnerable confused state you are spinning in circles and second guessing; worrying and not knowing what to eat, who’s advise to trust, what might be wrong, how you’re going to cope at home, at work, during travel or in any situation where you’re supposed to be responsible. The “system” rewards illness with every increasing work.

When you’re existing in such a flight-and-fight state all the time your immune system is suppressed to channel energy elsewhere and the blood flow in your body is centralized to essential functions. But that’s not a state of health but a state of emergency. It’s not sustainable at all. You need the down time of rest and no need to stay alert even in rest. You need to have your immune system fighting the battles, not your mind.

Since we shed a lot of unwanted metabolites through our skin surface you need to keep the blood flow to your skin and keep it free to allow such things to escape and not concentrate right near your skin. Relaxing baths and light exercise that gets you a little red and sweaty is good. Meditation and focusing outwards which can flush you a little is good and relaxing. The sauna is most likely good on occasion. You should consider keeping you skin surface clear to be as important as going to the bathroom. Stress makes you hold your bladder and also hold the blood away from your skin. Open the windows and wash the bed sheets. Don’t unnecessarily concentrate your waste around you.

So even though the advice is cheesy, keeping the fluids flowing and drinking plenty of water is good because it’s keeping the body able to get unwanted things out quickly into a low concentration medium which is the natural direction diffusion wants to go. And similarly you want to keep your digestive system as regular as possible.

The immune system has long evolved to fight things that we know nothing about. Suppress it at your own risk. Sometimes people worry about an over-reactive immune system, but unless pathological consider instead that your immune system is actually smarter than you or your doctor’s guesswork, and really it can be because we live in an environment with an overload of unusual pathogens which relate to modern life, and science most probably hasn’t caught up with those yet. People always think they know everything; that’s the problem. But history shows how ridiculously false that is, and there’s no reason why now is any different.

Human ideas change every day, but the continuity of evolution and survival of our bodies is slow but much more likely to be correct. It has millions of years of unbiased medical trials behind it. It’s only sudden environmental changes that are not in line with the wisdom of our bodies and that’s why modern “stress as a normal way to live” and
“information overload” are states which are not homeostatic for humans.

Simplify everything and then you can choose how to get your thrills instead of having them forced upon you when you don’t want them.

Traditional food choices and health routines that have lasted 1000 years are likely to have generally good advise because for sure those ones which made people sick have long passed away. But beware of advise that’s more about controlling your behavior; those also survive but not for reasons of health.

Illness is marginalizing. Being that ill person is going to disconnect you from everybody even while you are most needing help; and instead of getting a break you get mounting medical bills and more feelings of helplessness. It’s a snowball because confusion, lack of predictability, being off center, fighting a hurricane and a life of chronic stress do nothing but suppress your immune system and create tension, chaos and lack of rest; all of which you have evolved to try to juggle in an ideal balance for homeostasis and optimal health.

While the good news is there is so much you can do to escape, but it’s guaranteed that everyone will die and confusion will be the final state, but not for you and not today, not if you’re on-line reading this. You can surf the web, you’re still alive. You have a lot more left and possibly an awesome future.

You might feel confused, but knowing that you don’t know things is not confusion. Knowing that you are in a transition state is not confusion. Knowing the sources and still being sick is better than being uncertain about everything not being sick yet. Even knowing approximately about what you do and don’t know is a level of certainty that makes things better. Humans need a rock of certainty to thrive, even if it’s a rock of certainty plus certainty that specific things you know are uncertain; the second of which is actually the more realistic and adaptable rock.

Getting out of illness is about focusing on removing confusion and gaining confidence about what you believe, about your abilities, about your body processes, about the people around you and you ability to cope with changing environment, about your food choices and sources, about the reliability of people or sources you choose to listen to, and about the risks and reasons for medications you are taking. Second guessing has to be killed not you.

Improving health means change. But people can’t take change very rapidly. If you try to change things too fast you will either fail and be more undermined in your confidence, or else you will shock your body with sudden changes in what your habits have been and that will result in a lot of aggressive transition symptoms and make you feel worse and give up.

You are absolutely fine to ignore this, or just keep it as food for thought. You are under no pressure to try another thing or to believe this. It might be wrong, but the writer is very convinced of the following:

One should engage in identifying and carefully eliminating from your environment – at home, socially, and at work – all the factors that you find destabilizing. Open the windows for fresh air and get the sun in your face. Remove the factors that are negative influences on you ability to cope, regularly stressful without any benefit that more than makes up for that down side, that are sources of information that regular make you feel less certain, confused, engaging in self doubt, or second guessing every day what to do and what to eat, or people who might mean well but end up chipping away at you somehow with their attitude or criticism of not following their naive personal advise. All these these things should be identified and carefully avoided.

Anything in your own behavior or habits that is keeping yourself down should be eliminated. This includes obvious risk taking and putting yourself in a place to receive flying missiles from random chance, habits that in the long term make you feel more insecure, such as spending money you don’t have on impulse shopping to brighten your day, or on supplements and doctors and naturopaths and massages and bizarre treatments this one guy told you was the answer, in the hope of accidentally getting a cure. It also includes trying to win the lottery if you don’t have money to throw in the garbage, and includes accumulating pointless numbers of books and cures for your system, each one adding to confusion with a cacophony of opinions.

You should have careful continuous change that’s easy to bear, even if you are healthy. No one should stop changing a little bit every day. That’s how you stay young.

You want to create a place of maximum stability. You need to clear house and get centered in everything. You probably barely even need to address your actual health symptoms. Focus on eating food you know that people have been eating for centuries that you get from reliable sources. Make you house an awesome place to be in, with an environment that helps you feel centered. Sure up your finances. Avoid taking in more destabilizing information: When you’re stressed to the max you cannot learn anything new and you cannot adapt to changes. But centered and calm people who feel confident in what to expect and are fairly certain about their responsibilities and what is going to be needed from day to day are much more likely to be in homeostasis and not a whirlwind.

If you are not regularly exercising and you feel very sick. Don’t start exercising. Deployed troops in battle don’t spend half their day in training routines – that’s exhausting. Exercise is good back home to ensure the body is ready for war, but adding more burden in the war zone is making life harder. Rest and digest is the answer.

But today it can be stupidly hard to do that, but you have to carve out time to be centered and to meditate and to catch your breath, and allow your body to have an easy regular routine of sleeping waking and eating with predictability and with easy food. If you achieve that, it’s very likely that your body will succeed in pulling back to a wellness state, because pulling back to wholeness is the nature of life and all living creatures, and of the flesh. Your mind was added by nature as an afterthought, so not much is required of you on that level. Without severe trauma your body gathers itself back together again all the time. It just need a break and not to be knocked to the floor again when it’s half recovered. And while doctors care and mean well they tend to be gazing as it were down a microscope for answers that are flying in the wind and living in the sunrise of a new day.

I’m not selling anything, and this is opinion. Best to you.